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How To Exercise For Low Back Pain Relief

Sometimes it can feel like there’s nothing worse than back pain, especially if you have to sit at a desk all day at work or do repetitive tasks like mowing the lawn or shoveling snow. But getting back pain relief and even preventing low back pain from happening in the first place doesn’t have to mean avoiding the very things you enjoy doing in your free time. Here are some great exercises that you can do to relieve back pain and prevent it from coming back!

How To Exercise For Low Back Pain Relief

What are the common causes of low back pain?

Muscles and ligaments support your spine. When one or more of these is injured, it can cause pain in your back and difficulty moving. Lifting heavy objects or doing strenuous exercise (like running or aerobics) may injure muscles and ligaments in your low back. Wearing shoes that don’t fit properly can also lead to back pain.

Strains And Sprains 

These are injuries to ligaments and muscles. Ligaments are bands of tissue that connect bones or cartilage at a joint. A strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon, while a sprain is an injury to a ligament. Muscle strains often occur when you overuse your muscles during exercise, sports, or work activities. You may feel some pain when you move your muscle and feel better after resting it for several days.


Osteoarthritis is a common cause of low back pain. It occurs when cartilage, which cushions your joints, wears down over time.

Herniated Discs

A herniated disc occurs when a soft, gel-like center (nucleus pulposus) in your spinal discs pushes through a tear in its surrounding outer ring of cartilage (annulus fibrosus). The nucleus pulposus can press on nearby nerves and cause back pain.


This is a sideways curve of your spine. It can cause back pain, especially when you bend or twist.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of your spinal canal. The canal holds your spinal cord and nerves. Narrowing your spinal canal can put pressure on your spinal cord or nerves, causing pain in your back and legs. You may also have numbness, tingling, or weakness in these areas. This condition is most common in older adults.


Back pain is common during pregnancy. It may be caused by your growing uterus, which pressures your back. It can also be caused by symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). This condition causes pain in your pelvic area and lowers your back. You may feel better when you lie down or sit with your knees bent.

What is the relationship between lower back pain and posture?

Lower back pain and posture for sure have a definite relationship. Research has shown that 90% of people will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. Hunching over or slouching places extra pressure on the discs in your spine, leading to aches and pains throughout your body. (1)

If you want to keep lower back pain away, stand up straight with shoulders back, chest out, and stomach tucked in. When you sit down, make sure your chair supports your back. You can also try lying flat on your back while reading a book—this stretches out tight muscles and relieves tension in your neck and back.

How Physical Exercise Can Help To Relieve Low Back Pain

-By strengthening the muscles in the back, you can alleviate some of the pain caused by weakness.

-Improving flexibility. When you’re in a good state of flexibility, your muscles can better support your spine.

-Reduce stress

-reduce fatigue. When less tired, you can better control your posture and prevent low back pain.

However, certain activities can worsen pain—sometimes causing a flare-up of symptoms in people previously managing them well. Here are a few examples: - Strenuous exercise: If you haven’t done much regular exercise in a while, you may aggravate your back by ramping up too quickly.

-Improve mood 

Which Is The Best Exercise For Low Back Pain?

There are many different types of exercises for low back pain relief. we included:

-Stretching: Stretching is a great way to help relieve back pain. It can help with muscle stiffness and tightness, often associated with back pain. Stretches should be done regularly, before and after exercising.

-Exercises for core strength: Exercises for core strength are important because they help strengthen your lower back muscles. This can help support your spine and prevent future injuries from occurring. Some examples of exercises for core strength include planks, crunches, and side bends. (2)

-Dynamic Stabilization Exercises: Dynamic stabilization exercises are designed to help improve your mobility and flexibility. These exercises can be used in conjunction with other types of back pain relief exercises, or they can be done independently. Some examples of dynamic stabilization exercises include side lunges, walking lunges, and high kicks. (3)

Strengthening Exercises 

Strengthening exercises are a great way to relieve back pain because they help strengthen your muscles and increase your endurance.


Yoga is a great way to relieve back pain. It helps you improve your flexibility and balance, which can help reduce back pain. In addition, yoga encourages you to move slowly and mindfully, which can help you become more aware of your body and how it moves. Yoga is a very popular exercise for people who suffer from back pain because it allows them to stretch their muscles without putting any pressure on their spine. (4)


Pilates is a great way to relieve back pain. It’s important to note that Pilates can be quite challenging, so it’s best to start slowly and ease into your routine. (5)

Tai Chi 

Tai Chi is another exercise that can help relieve back pain. This exercise focuses on improving balance and flexibility, which can help reduce back pain. It also encourages you to move slowly and mindfully, which can help reduce stress levels and your perception of pain. (6)

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is another excellent way to relieve back pain. It can help you reduce stress and improve your overall fitness, which will make it easier for you to move around and do everyday tasks. Some examples of aerobic exercises include jogging, cycling, and swimming. (7)

Strength Training

In addition to helping you lose weight, strength training can also help relieve back pain. Strength training will strengthen your muscles and improve your endurance, which can help you move around efficiently and reduce strain on your back. You should start slowly with a low-impact exercise like walking and gradually increase over time. You’ll also want to make sure that you’re using proper form when exercising to not injure yourself further or exacerbate any existing injuries. (8)

Physical Therapy Exercise For Low Back Pain

A Physical Therapist Can Teach You A Variety Of Easy Exercises That Will Help Relieve Your Back Pain.

Try these exercises and see if they assist you to relieve your back pain. They can be done from home, so there’s no need to spend money on an expensive gym membership.


-Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. and bent your legs 90 degrees.

-Lift hips off the floor as high as possible, squeezing gluteal muscles and holding for 10 seconds. 

-Repeat 3 sets for10 reps.


1) Starting with your back on the floor and legs bent.

2)place your feet flat on the floor. 

3) Place your hands behind your head. 

4) Without rounding your lower back, lift your head, shoulders and upper back off the floor as high as possible. 

5) Hold for 3 seconds. 

6) Lower to the starting position and repeat 10 times.


1) Lying on your stomach, extend your arms and legs out in front of you.

2) Lift both arms and legs off the floor, keeping them straight and together. 

3) Hold for five seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

Knee To Chest

1) Lay on your back, with feet on the ground and shoulder-width apart, with your legs bent at 90 degrees. 

2) Bring one knee to the chest and hold for 30 seconds. 

3) Return to starting position, repeat with another leg. 

4) Do 10 repetitions 3 times a day.

Cat And Cow Pose

Lie on your stomach, knees bent, arms out in front of you, and palms flat on the floor. Inhale slowly as you lift your head and shoulders off the floor and exhale as you drop them down. Repeat several times. Switch to cow pose by lifting your shoulders while dropping your belly towards the floor also repeating several times.

Aquatic Therapy Exercise Routine For Low Back Pain

Water therapy exercise can be a great way to reduce low back pain. According to a study published in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, water-based exercise helped low back pain sufferers recover more quickly and at less cost than those who did not receive aquatic therapy. The water surrounding your body makes movements easier, which can help you avoid straining muscles.

These exercises also strengthen your back and help you maintain proper posture. Remember to talk with your doctor before beginning any exercise routine. If you are in pain, check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.


If you’re suffering from back pain, buoyancy can be a great way to reduce strain on your back. In fact, according to a study published in Spine, water-based exercise is more effective than land-based exercise for low back pain sufferers.


The warmth of water can help soothe back pain.

Fluidity: Moving in water is easier than moving on land, which can help you avoid straining your back.

Low Impact 

Aquatic exercise is a great way to reduce strain on your back because it’s low impact. As with any exercise, talk with your doctor before beginning an aquatic exercise routine.

Hydrostatic Pressure 

The water surrounding your body can help you maintain proper posture, which can help reduce strain on your back. The hydrostatic pressure of water can also make movements easier, which reduces strain on your back.

Final thoughts

It’s possible to reduce back pain by strengthening muscles in your core and lower back. Your core refers to all of your abdominals and low back muscles, like those you use to support yourself when bending over. By strengthening these muscles, you can increase your posture and prevent or relieve back pain.
