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Best 3-Day Compound Workout Routine (2022)

Compound exercises are an excellent way to burn fat and build muscle simultaneously. While most bodybuilding routines focus on weight lifting or aerobics, compound exercises combine both of these aspects in one exercise so that you can maximize your workout in less time. One of the best ways to do this is with a 3-day split compound workout routine, where you can lift weights two days out of the week while doing aerobics on the other days.

Best 3-Day Compound Workout Routine

What Are Compound Exercises?

You're not going to see many isolation exercises on your program. Instead, you will find a variety of compound exercises that emphasize multiple muscle groups at once. These exercises are great for building mass and strength because they require more effort from your body than isolation movements do. 

The more effort your body has to put forth in order to complete an exercise, generally speaking, the more calories it will burn during and after exercise. If you are looking for a way to maximize calorie burn during exercise while also increasing strength and muscle mass, compound exercises are for you!

In most cases, compound exercises work several muscles in your body at once. For example, squats work your quads (front of thighs), hamstrings (back of thighs), glutes (buttocks), and even smaller muscles like your calves. It's no wonder why squats are one of the best ways to build mass and increase strength quickly!

Benefits Of Compound Exercises

These benefits include increased muscle mass, lean muscle mass, decreased body fat, and increased metabolism. The compound exercises work your muscles by using more than one joint at a time. For example, you're using your hips and knees to move your lower body up and down during a squat. 

This exercise is important because it strengthens each muscle group by working on them together rather than individually as isolation exercises do. While doing compound exercises, you will be able to lift heavier weights, resulting in more significant gains. You can perform these types of workouts with free weights or machines.

Improving Intermuscular Coordination

Developing and toning your muscles can be grueling, but it's not impossible. One of the best methods for accomplishing such a feat is participating in compound exercises, which utilize several muscle groups. They will help you develop strong, fit arms and build muscle mass throughout your body. 

Try out our three-day split workout program as a guide to help you get started on an effective workout plan! You'll want to do each exercise one after another with little rest (try to keep your rest period between 30 seconds and one minute). 

Complete each set three times before moving on to the next set; we recommend using a timer or stopwatch so that you don't have to keep track of time manually. If any exercise seems too difficult, take things slow until you feel comfortable enough to move forward.

Provide Cardiovascular Training Benefits

Cardiovascular training increases the efficiency of your heart and lungs so that you can make it through more challenging workouts. If you are willing to lose weight or improve your health, consider committing to an aerobic exercise routine four days a week. 

Running is one of the best types of cardio for beginners. Run outside or on a treadmill—whichever works best for you. First, run at a slow pace, then gradually increase your speed and distance as you build strength and endurance. 

A compound exercise incorporates two or more muscle groups, such as squats and lunges. These exercises are great because they work multiple muscles in your body simultaneously. You'll burn more calories during and after your workout than if you were to perform isolated exercises like bicep curls or triceps extensions.

Time Efficient

Compound exercises increase work output in less time than exercises that isolate muscle groups. Muscle building is a slow process, so it's best to choose exercises that get more bang for your buck and build muscle mass in as little time as possible. 

Ideally, each workout will feature at least one compound exercise for each major muscle group. Push-ups are an example of a compound exercise. The movement requires using multiple muscles, including the triceps, chest, shoulders, and abs.

Improves Movement Efficiency

Compound exercises are your key to movement efficiency, and they're also among the best mass builders in a workout routine. If you are willing to maximize your ability to move heavy objects—from deadlifts to hay bales—you need compound exercises. 

They work for multiple muscle groups at once and improve your body's ability to transfer force from point A to B. A few examples of these lifts are bench presses, squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, and bent-over rows. And when it comes to packing on size, there is no better way than compound movements. (Related: What Are The Best Exercises For Building Muscle?)

Provides Dynamic Flexibility

Change is important in life, and when it comes to exercise, switching up your workout routine can be a great way to stay fresh. If you're doing a traditional three-day split routine, where one muscle group is worked for three days and then rested for one day, consider adding some variety. 

Muscle building does not occur in a single session; instead, it's an accumulation of microtears that build muscle over time. By keeping your muscles guessing with different exercises and varying rep ranges, you'll continue to stimulate growth while preventing burnout. 

For example, if you typically do bench presses on Monday, try swapping them out for dumbbell presses or incline presses on Friday. You could also add a second leg day into your weekly routine or change up how many sets of each exercise are performed during each workout. Using these variations in rep ranges and exercises will keep your body guessing—and growing!

Burns More Calories 

A good workout routine will burn calories during and after a workout, but it'll also help increase your metabolism, which means you'll be burning more calories even when you're not in your gym clothes. Look for workouts that incorporate interval training or weight training sessions and focus on building muscle mass. These methods have been proven to build lean body mass, which increases overall metabolic activity and burns fat.

What Is The Best Compound Workout Routine?

A compound workout routine incorporates a high number of exercises and muscle groups. These workouts are designed with a lot of variety and are heavyweight to put on as much muscle mass as possible in a short amount of time. A compound workout routine usually has two main goals: 

1. To make you stronger, 

2. To pack on slabs of muscle mass.

3. To get you jacked and ripped fast! 

Mastering The Right Technique

The proper technique is essential when trying to improve your fitness. At first, you may find it difficult to hit a routine that works for you, but don't give up! There are many online resources available that can help you with your form and technique. 

Ultimately, having a proper technique will keep you safe while building strength and increasing flexibility. If there is any doubt about what proper technique entails, it's best to consult a professional trainer before starting a new workout routine.

Starting Slow And Listening To Your Body

The first thing to do is start slow. Any exercise can be overwhelming when you're just starting, so don't bite off more than you can chew. Go through each workout routine and see what seems best for your level; then, work up to it. Also, don't be afraid to listen to your body. If something hurts, change it.

Remembering To Warm Up And Cool Down h3

It's essential to warm up before starting your workout to prepare your body for physical activity. A good warm-up should include at least 5 minutes of low-intensity cardio activity, such as jogging or walking. This will increase blood flow and get your joints moving through their full range of motion.

The Routine

Here's how your week would be if you followed this three-day routine:

-Monday: Chest, triceps, and back.

-Tuesday: Rest and recovery or light cardio.

-Wednesday: Chest, back, and biceps.

-Thursday: Rest and recovery or light cardio.

-Friday: Legs and shoulders.

-Saturday: Rest and recovery or light cardio.

-Sunday: Rest.

Remember that you should only do light cardiovascular workouts for up to 30 to 40 minutes, depending on your recovery ability. In addition, it's crucial to allow yourself 1 to 3 minutes to recover between each set.


-Day 1: Chest, Triceps, And Back Muscles

Pull-ups: 4 sets of 5, 7, 9, and 5 reps

Barbell bench press: 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, and 6 reps

Standing overhead barbell press: 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, and 6 reps

Face pulls: in here; you can go with 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, and 6 reps

Triceps dips: start with 2 sets of 12 to 15 reps each.


-Day 2: Chest, Back, And Biceps

Deadlifts: 4 sets of 5 reps 

Parallel dips: 5 sets of 11, 9, 7, and 5 reps

Incline DumbBells bench press: 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, and 6 reps

Dumbbell row: 6 reps and 4 sets of 12, 10, 8

Plank: Hold the plank position for about 60 seconds

Barbell Deadlift: 4 sets of 4, 6, 4, and 2 reps


-Day 3: Legs And Shoulders

Standing barbell curl: you can go with 3 sets of 8 reps each

Lunges: 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps each

Squats: in here, you need to do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps each

Seated lateral raises: 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps each

Barbell drag curl: this is an easy one; you can do 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, and 6 reps

Decline bench press: 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, and 6 reps

Best 3-Day Compound Workout Routine

If your goal is to build your chest, back, and arms as quickly as possible, you want a workout routine that hits each of these muscle groups hard. The following workout routine will give you just that—and it's very simple to follow. The best part? It only takes three days!

Foods To Eat During A 3-Day Compound Workout Routine.

To get the best results from this workout routine, you need to fuel your body with quality foods. It is very advisable to have a healthy diet of mostly lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Some good examples include eggs, chicken breast, turkey breast, fish (salmon is an excellent source of protein), oatmeal, brown rice, and low-fat cottage cheese. Protein shakes are also an excellent option if you don't have time to cook a meal or prepare a protein shake ahead of time. Just make sure that it is low in sugar and high in protein!

Proteins are essential for building blocks in your body and should make up about 30% of your diet. You must consume sufficient proteins because they help repair tissue after strenuous workout sessions. Consuming enough proteins is also necessary for overall good health and well-being as it makes new cells and tissues in your body. For vegetarians, consuming soy products like tofu, tempeh and edamame will be an excellent alternative to animal protein sources.

Best 3-Day Compound Workout Routine

Fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber which is very important for health. Fiber helps with digestive problems, prevents constipation, and controls blood sugar levels. Fibre also fills you up so that you do not overeat. Eating enough fiber in your diet helps with weight management because it makes you feel full without too many calories. Consume at least 10 grams of fiber each day as a minimum.

3-Day Compound Workout Routine Beginners Tips

If you're looking to get started with this workout program, here are some essential tips: Form is as important as how much weight you lift. If you do not have a spotter, never perform a bench press without first locking out your arms at each rep so that you won't risk being pinned beneath an exercise barbell. Use the perfect form to avoid injury and ensure optimal performance from each exercise in your routine.

Choose The Right Exercises 

The first step in designing a great routine is to choose exercises that maximize efficiency—and avoid exercises that waste your time. Choose compound movements whenever possible: these are multi-joint movements such as squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. And choose whole-body movements whenever possible: these are exercises that work for multiple muscle groups at once—for example, bent over rows or military presses. These tend to provide a greater bang for your buck than isolation exercises.

The Form is just as important as how much weight you lift

Good form is especially important when you're lifting weights. Most injuries in a gym are due to bad form, so learn how to lift weights properly with a trainer or other fitness professional. Use lighter weights while you're learning how to do certain exercises. Be patient with yourself; Rome wasn't built in a day, nor was your body. A little bit of overtime can go a long way!

Never perform bench press without a spotter 

The bench press is a pretty dangerous exercise if you're doing it yourself. This means that you should never perform a bench press without a spotter to help lift off of the barbell if necessary. The last thing you want is to end up in a hospital from attempting an exercise with too much weight. And, even if you're using perfect form and are stronger than average, the bench press will never be 100% safe on your own due to how heavy of weights most people typically lift for it.

Use lighter weights

While it might be tempting to pick up heavy weights at first, you'll want to stick with lighter dumbbells or weight machines while learning how to do an exercise. This allows you to make mistakes without being too critical of yourself and to gain more confidence in your movements. Once you feel confident enough with a certain exercise, you can progress to a heavier weight—but always use perfect form.

Do Not Overtrain

Overtraining is one of the most dangerous mistakes people make ''Especially beginners" when muscle training. Your body grows and gets stronger during rest periods between workouts. If you're pushing yourself too hard, you'll deprive your body of adequate time to recover and grow. More advanced lifters may need more rest days than beginners because they are more susceptible to getting overtrained.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is vital for overall health and success. Without it, you cannot think or learn as quickly or easily. Not getting enough sleep won't give your body enough time to recover from your daily activities.

Final thoughts

Compound exercises are probably one of the most efficient workouts out there. This means doing multiple exercises at once is the best way to maximize your time in the gym—not to mention it's a fantastic workout strategy for fat loss and strength gains. In fact, compound exercises work for several muscle groups simultaneously, allowing you to burn more calories than isolation exercises that focus on just one muscle group.

However, if that doesn't work for you, try including a variety of compound exercises. What are compound exercises?. These are workouts where you do multiple exercises at once, allowing you to target more than one muscle group, making your workout more efficient and effective. When it comes to choosing compound exercises for your workout routine, there are many choices.
